All Abilities Welcome
Whether you are a complete novice, or have years of experience there is something for everyone here at WOFA.
You will find a warm welcoming environment with an emphasis above all on safety.
We understand that we all have to live a life outside of the training hall, so we do all we can to try to minimise any injuries, although with all physical activities accidents can happen.
We invite anyone looking to improve their confidence, self-defence skills, fitness, and general wellbeing to come down and speak to the guys, see what we are about and have a fun free lesson on us.

Adults Kali Classes (16+)
Mondays 7.30-8.30pm
First lesson FREE, then £10 per lesson
Kali "The Thinking Mans Art" is an umbrella term for all Filipino Martial Arts. Kali is a complete Martial Art using all manor of weaponry and empty hand techniques and strategies.
Kali is almost wholly trained using a partner and here at WOFA we have a very relaxed atmosphere, just a quick bow to the instructor and in with the partner work.
The aim of this class is not to give an exercise class with a little bit of Martial Arts in between, but to teach the arts and build up each student in to being a knowledgeable and competent coach of the arts.
Comfortable loose fitting clothing, no jewellery (or taped secure), and long hair to be tied back.
All abilities are welcome.